Petit CN Base

The Basic Micronutrition


A balanced combination of vitamins, minerals, choline, scFOS and S.boulardii. Indicated for children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding


  • Orange
  • Neutral


It is especially important to maintain adequate and balanced micronutrient levels during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in growing children.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding: there is an increased need for nutrients during the nine months of pregnancy and the breastfeeding period. Supplemental intake of L-methylfolate (folate/folic acid) increases maternal folate levels, helping to reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. The beneficial effect is achieved with a daily folic acid intake of 400 µg, at least one month before conception and up to three months after conception.

In children and adolescents (from 3 to 17 years of age): during this period of growth, children should have balanced intake of all nutrients and micronutrients: calcium, iodine, iron and vitamin D3 are of vital importance.

Petit CN Base is a balanced combination of the 23 most important micronutrients for optimal development, together with fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and S. boulardii.

Petit CN Base is a dietary supplement composed of the following nutrients:

Petit CN Base Composition

Nutritional information 1 packet 2 packets
Vitamin A
(retinyl acetate)
300 µg 600 µg
Vitamin D3
10 μg 20 μg
Vitamin E
(D-α-tocopheryl succinate)
5 mg 10 mg
Vitamin C
(Calcium Ascorbate)
250 mg 500 mg
Vitamin B1
(Thiamine HCI)
2,5 mg 5 mg
Vitamin B2
2,5 mg 5 mg
Vitamin B3
7 mg 14 mg
Vitamin B5
(D-calcium pantothenate)
4 mg 8 mg
Vitamin B6
3 mg 6 mg
50 µg 100 µg
(Calcium L-methylfolate)
200 µg 400 µg
Vitamin B12
2 µg 4 µg
Vitamin B12
2 µg 4 µg
(Zinc Gluconate)
6 mg 12 mg
(Copper citrate)
0,5 mg 1 mg
(Manganese citrate)
1 mg 2 mg
(Calcium citrate)
200 mg 400 mg
(Magnesium citrate)
150 mg 300 mg
(Iron pyrophosphate)
6 mg 12 mg
(Sodium Molybdate)
10 μg 20 μg
(Sodium Selenite)
30 µg 60 µg
(Potassium iodide)
40 μg 80 μg
(chromium picolinate)
40 µg 80 µg
Other nutrients
Choline (Choline bitartrate) 200 mg (*) 400 mg (*)
Saccharomyces boulardii (2 x 1010 CFU/g) 150 mg (*) 300 mg (*)
Frutooligosaccharides (scFOS) 3 g (*) 6 g (*)


Short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS); Magnesium citrate; Calcium citrate; Choline bitartrate; Calcium ascorbate; Saccharomyces boulardii 2×1010 CFU/g; Liposomal iron Pyrophosphate; Zinc gluconate; Nicotinamide; Succinated D-alpha tocopherol; Manganese citrate; Calcium D-pantothenate; Riboflavin-5-phosphate; Thiamine hydrochloride; Pyridoxal-5-phosphate; Retinyl acetate; Copper citrate; Chromium picolinate; Calcium L-methylfolate; Sodium selenite; Potassium iodide; D-biotin; Sodium molybdate; Cholecalciferol; 5′-deoxyadenosylcobalamin (dibencozide); Methylcobalamin.

Gluten free/lactose free.

Petit CN Base neutral flavor does not contain additives, added flavorings or colorings.

Petit CN Base orange flavor contains natural orange flavoring and natural sweeteners extracted from stevia and birch.


Petit CN Base’s formula is suitable for ingestion during pregnancy, breastfeeding and during children’s growth and development.

Petit CN Base’s nutrient forms, together with the adequate amount of each, contribute to:

  • Normal bone growth and development (1,4).
  • Normal cognitive development of children (2,3).
  • Normal functioning of the immune system in children (4).

The above claims have been evaluated by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) and authorized by the European Commission.

Petit CN Base supplies:

  • Vitamins in “active form.”
  • Minerals in their most bioavailable form.
  • Fiber, supplying an effective amount of short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (3g/packet).
  • S.boulardii, which supports the functions of all other micronutrients and helps ensure better intestinal absorption.

Petit CN Base contains a combination of basic nutrients, such as L-methylfolate (folate/folic acid), and in their most active form. Supplemental intake increases maternal folate levels, helping to reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. The beneficial effect is achieved with a daily folic acid (L-methylfolate) intake of 400 μg for at least one month before conception and up to three months after conception (5).


  • Children from 3 to 8 years of age: 1 packet a day.
  • Children and adolescents from 9 to 17 years of age: 1 or 2 packets a day.
  • Pregnant women: 2 packets a day during the first trimester and 1 or 2 sachets a day for the rest of the pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding women: 1 or 2 packets a day.
  • Or the dosage indicated by a health care professional.

Administration of neutral flavor: Mix the contents of the packet with food or a beverage (not too hot) and drink immediately with breakfast.

 Administration of orange flavor: Mix the contents of the packet well in a glass of water or juice and drink immediately with breakfast.

Warnings with Petit CN Base:

In some children and adults, Petit CN Base can intensify the yellow color of urine (due to the vitamin B2 that has this color).  This effect is harmless.

In the first few days, some individuals may experience bloating and gas in the intestines due to the fiber (scFOS) and its utilization by the body’s beneficial flora. These symptoms are temporary and disappear with continued intake after 5-7 days, once the bowel adapts.

Natural products and foods can also cause intolerance in individuals who are sensitive to some of their components.

As with any other product, Petit CN Base should not be taken or administered if you are allergic or intolerant to any of its components.

Petit CN Base does not need to be refrigerated. However, it is preferable to store it in a cool, dry place to avoid abrupt temperature changes.

As with any dietary supplement, keep Petit CN Base out of reach and sight of small children.

Petit CN Base presentations

  • 30 packets neutral flavor
  • 30 packets orange flavor