Microplastics are miniscule plastic particles that are ingested by aquatic organisms living in the sea, and they accumulate in their bodies because they are indigestible. This accumulation of plastic passes from organism to organism through the trophic chain (including humans), but if the plastic mass is larger, it can produce obstructions in the digestive tract that kill the marine animal.

Plastic containers

Plastic containers for water, oil, dairy products… packaging, trays, film… precooked or cooked foods, etc. When heated or exposed to high ambient temperatures, there is a greater risk of decomposition of the plastic and formation of toxic substances, such as dioxins, which are then absorbed by the food. Microwave heating of food in plastic is very common, but it causes toxins to form.

It is advisable to avoid microwaving foods in plastic containers or storing them at a high ambient temperature. It is preferable to use glass and to store foods in the refrigerator or in a cool, dry place.